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Showing posts from February, 2014

You Who Came from star*

嗨,我又来这里写了。最近的我在这里还满 active 的嘛,纯粹只想要找个地方释放一下情绪,感受。忽然间觉得twitter有很多奇怪的人总喜欢问人到底发生什么事。Harlloooo,我想告诉你,我们并不是熟到能讲心事的那种人吧?今天的我只想用华文type 出,写这些东西都是得看心情的对吧?以前的我,以为说不出,就用写来表达。不想对别人说,自己的秘密,就把它用日记记录下来。怎知现在的我,连写都写不出,呵,是不是很奇怪啊?今天我命名的题目是不是觉得我这个花痴,又看韩剧了,没错,这次真想好好地看完整个剧情。虽然很不真实,但是我喜欢他的故事,喜欢那男主角。有人总会告诉我,这些不真实的事情是不可能会发生在生活上的,为什么还要看?我知道啊,你不觉得平时的生活实在没什么新鲜感吗?每天过着一样的生活,我好厌倦。看戏是唯一一种让我逃离现实的方法。我在看戏时,会很轻松地跟着剧情走,我就是喜欢这种感觉,所以我的人生中,一定不能少了看戏这部分!现在越来越多assignment and homework 要做,而且下个星期就考 Math and Biology Assessment 1,唉,真烦啊!这戏只能停在这儿一下子等我考完再继续看了。时间似乎都好像不够用,一下子一天就过了,却好像什么事也没做到。 来自星星的你,我好爱你! 好看的戏不可以一次过看到完,虽然我也很想,唉,下个星期再继续看你了!这部戏的歌好好听哦!有时晚上,就是特别喜欢听没歌声的旋律。:)我是因为刚做完Bio lab report,来这里讲话,好迟了哦,再见! Just listened my car theory yesterday, I think i am the slowest among my friends! omg haihz Nevermind then . Tomorrow is my first car practical,omg,hope everything go smoothly o! God bless me get a good uncle to teach me o!:)  I just want faster get license P and drive car LOL..bye and Good Night everyone!

I Miss everything in Heng Ee

Heard my brother said what happened this morning.I felt really sad that they treat our principal,Mr Goh like that.Why Heng Ee got this type of rude student?!If they don't like, can just leave!Don't forget that how they come into this school!eventhough you are not help by principal or you say" I automatically go into Heng Ee,Heng Ee is not my first choice of school"...I will told you! sToP Saying BuLL ShiT!  You never know the feeling how much we love Heng Ee,appreciate of everything,every single thing happen in Heng Ee, WE LOVE,  MISS HENG EE!A LOT A LOT!!!! I sit in the car and follow my parents went Heng Ee fetch my brother,I always look out the window,keep telling my parents:"我很想恒毅咯,我很想回到中学时光,还是恒毅比较好,那边的朋友比较好" 我好想说,离开了才知道,以前迫不及待等着离开的自己是多么的无知,多么的傻,现在的我好不容易熬过了五年那要戴蘑菇头的生活,却开始怀念了。怀念的当然不是蘑菇头,是那里的全部。 找一天我想要回去恒毅,看看我们以前常走过的地方,在班上的位置,去食堂吃经济饭,想回我们当时做的傻事及点点滴滴。惨了,我似乎才离开那短短的几个月,就想到这样了。唉!在恒毅的每个角落,处处是回忆。

Wonder why

Yea,as my title of this post,I really wonder why..wonder why I din't bump into the person,the friend that really know my strong points,my feeling,my thinking,my heart.Maybe I met them too in my past but just I din't realize?I really don't feel that I have LOL  Maybe I am too sensitive on everything?Maybe I had put too much of hope on everything?Or maybe I shouldn't think so much?I don't know...I just keep wondering everytime.My mum said that I not enough attentive.Oh ya,maybe?But I feel and think details in doing anything leh...these not enough attentive yet ar?Yea,I lack of confidence in doing myself,doing everything.They just don't understand why I will lack of confidence.They don't know.If now every aspect of myself is perfect,I will be very confidence in front of everyone.But,for now?I'm not!Until now,I can't really know my own feature...I have a lot of friends,but I don't feel that I should put who higher place in my heart.I just treat them

Endless love

Current update my profile picture. Hi,everyone!:)..So,this is me,taken yesterday night in TGV cinema after I finished watching ENDLESS LOVE  in the midnight with family.It's a nice love story.A love story of a very rich girl and a poor guy.The girl is so tall,so will fall in love with her or jealous her if you see her..her long legs that I dreaming for my whole life. haha.These two weeks I had watched many movie in cinema due to my parents don't know why suddenly keep bought ticket and bring us to watch.This is my recent photo after graduated, Did I change?? longer alrd right?haha.. Can't wait for my hair grow longer!:P okay,now saying about my college life.It's not very same as my imagination college life...erm,no flexible class time,everyday have class..maybe I put too much hope on it?It's totally different from my previous school.No matter people,friends,lecturer,environment,languages.Friends,some of them are